I do want to clarify that I think there's a difference in negging/judgement and smart criticism. I don't feel entitled to anyone's favorable opinion. I'm open to critique, I don't think you need to like the thing I like. Most of the notes I'm reading who don't like this post seem like they didn't really even read the whole thing before firing one off -- the point here is maybe just let me have my fun and I'll let you have yours! Even if your fun is making fun of me :)

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This is so relatable. It’s about finding our people that don’t think we are crazy for collecting the things that we love to geek out over and sharing our passions. Never had this in my personal life which is why the internet is so cool to find a community that gets it!

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The magic of the internet 🥰

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Less judgment more fun. About all the things. Life's short. I can def get behind this.

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Don’t yuck someone’s yum is one of the principles I live by. I think the world would be a fantastically supportive (and fun!) place if we could all embrace it. I don’t have to love what other people are into, and they don’t have to love my stuff, but I like to hope we all have the capacity to move past our grade school days when we were either targets or purveyors of such crushing judgment.

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Well said.

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typing this as I eagerly await my red jellies… I love The Row (even through two broken Idaho totes, RIP) and I love the way you style their pieces. You put your own spin on them and create beautiful, elevated everyday looks and I admire that. ❤️ I don’t think a lot of people have that talent when they see those looks come down the runway.

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Thanks buddy!! Lmk how you like your jellies

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This is EVERYTHING! I would love to read a copy of SMUDGE! You have managed to describe my feelings exactly. #jellieclub

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Definitely would subscribe to the SMUDGE!

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Best thing I’ve read all day🖤🖤🖤🖤 also played with my Barbies for a lot longer than I care to admit

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If the movie taught us anything, Barbie was never uncool

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Omg, trying to hold back tears as I read this in a doctors office waiting room. A) we would have been friends and B) thank you for sharing this. The fashion industry lives for subtle negging and making us feel irrelevant so we keep buying new stuff. After 20 years working in the fashion industry and in my late 30’s I’m just rediscovering personal style and finding joy in it JUST FOR ME. I love nerding out on fashion and the whys designers do what they do. No one can tell me what is uncool ever again.

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love it!!

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This was like reading a story of my life. Im so glad that Im older and now its cool to be a nerd ☺️

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Oh I loved this one!!! I can’t get over the Smudge of it all! I wish I had that in my orbit back in the day.

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I wrote this as a part of a longer comment on a another newsletter but just as relevant here:

“…. I really do like the Margaux bag but the lack of handles that I can wear on my shoulder makes it so impractical, regardless of the price point.

And when I say things like that out loud (or in writing) I worry if I’m just the Fox from the Fox and the Sour Grapes fable 🤷🏻‍♀️”

I appreciate the brand so much and will continue to peruse sale and secondhand if I can find something in my price range.

And I love your styling of the Row (and other) pieces Jess! I used to love rainy days as they were the only days I could wear my jelly shoes to school… trying to decide if adult me needs a pair 🩵🩷🩶

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I don’t take it personally if people aren’t amped about The Row. My point here was that it’s clothes for clothes nerds who place extreme value on this stuff and not meant to be for everyone, so let the people like me who admire it have their fashion Pokémon cards 😂 we know it’s not logical

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Totally. I spend on clothes I love, my husband spends on golfing and skiing. We each have our thing and that’s that. There really isn’t a need for judgement to be placed on it when you aren’t mismanaging your finances and find joy in what you do.

Somehow when it comes to women, spending on clothing is sadly seen are vain or frivolous.

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“Somehow when it comes to women, spending on clothing is sadly seen are vain or frivolous.” Let’s have THAT conversation

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Ooof, yes please. I have someone in my life and the judgement over my (fiscally responsible)spending on fashion (or travel or nice restaurants or a good haircut) is so annoying. I think in my head "how much have you spent on video games that you play once?" but that's their thing so there is no need for me to care. I experienced him shaming someone out of buying a pair of reasonably priced boots, the one and only thing she had planned to buy as a vacation "souvenir," and I was so irritated that I turned around and bought them for her for the next birthday.

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I loved reading this. And would totally pay to subscribe to The Smudge.

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I so wish I had a copy laying around somewhere

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Loved this. I also was utterly obsessed with Pogs!

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The chokehold!

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The jellies are actually growing on me (like most things do after enough exposure)😅 I don’t have the budget for The Row but watch me get the knockoffs in a month…

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It’s not about possessing it, it’s about appreciating it ❤️ also there are lots of good jellies out there at every price point, you’ll find one you like.

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I felt that full circle MK&A moment in my bones

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Holiday in the Sun anyone?

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