Aug 5, 2023Liked by Jess Graves

I'm going to Paris for five weeks and I would love to know what five staples you would bring with you. Things you either own or would buy prior to trip. Merci!

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I love this question but I may point you to Meg Strachan’s (of Dorsey) Substack for this one. She just returned from France and shared everything she packed! She’s also always watching what the women around her are wearing and is a style sponge, so if you don’t already read her newsletter it’s worth your time regardless ❤️

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I love her blog AND her name. I think I saw that one and I'll go peruse and add to my shopping list. Another question I don't think you've answered (at least not lately)... who do you follow for style inspiration //maybe your top favorite instagram accounts?

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“seeing a piece styled on a real person on the street (for me) is always a stronger pull to purchase than a carefully angled photo online” amen, amen! I have long felt that these “parisiansinparis” etc. IG accounts are the best source of inspiration because it’s not posed at all.

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Aug 5, 2023Liked by Jess Graves

So agree! Those overly staged shots are boring and unhelpful.

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I actually love a staged shot too! I do find them helpful and loyally follow plenty of influencers on IG. I just feel more moved to act when I see something moving on a real person in the cadence and context of the city I live in. The girls on the street here inspire me endlessly too ❤️❤️

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